In Bollywood, few franchises have the rare ability to elevate an actor's career to soaring new heights. For Kartik Aaryan, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series has become that golden opportunity - a veritable jackpot that has redefined his place in the industry and solidified his status as a box office magnet. Following the phenomenal success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which revived the beloved horror-comedy legacy with fresh appeal, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is now on track to not only break records but set new benchmarks in Kartik’s career. With its first-week collections anticipated to hit ₹185 crore, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is poised to become Kartik’s highest-grossing release yet, showcasing the immense pulling power he brings to this franchise. This isn’t just another film for Kartik; it’s the kind of blockbuster success that actors dream of - a role and franchise that uniquely captures audience enthusiasm, solidifies his versatility, and consistently delivers in terms of box office revenue. In an industry where fortunes often fluctuate and change every Friday, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise has proven to be a consistent lottery win for Kartik Aaryan, marking a pivotal turning point in his career and firmly establishing him as one of Bollywood’s most bankable stars.
With Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 expected to achieve a lifetime business of approx. ₹275 crore at the Indian box office, Kartik’s cumulative domestic NETT collections across his 14-film career would reach approximately ₹1,050 crore. Notably, the two installments of the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series - Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 - alone would contribute around ₹462 crore, accounting for a whopping 44% of his total career collections. This is a remarkable figure, highlighting how these two films have singularly elevated his box office standing.
Commenting on the same, Film Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh says, “Once a film releases it is all about the numbers, and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’s graph has just been going higher each day. Even though Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 released alongside a big-ticket film like Singham Again, with major names it has been doing well. Despite the clash, and the division of screens, footfalls and audience attention, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has managed to hold well, as it crossed the Rs. 250 cr mark. On the other hand, for Kartik Aaryan, whose last big opener was Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, the latest release Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has worked wonders. It has become Kartik’s biggest opener and has managed to go beyond Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. In fact, when Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 released there were comparisons on Kartik and Akshay Kumar who was in the first film, but today after Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, the franchise has become his. He has proved without a doubt that the Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise, which has sort of become his lucky charm, is his and his alone”
The franchise’s dominance extends beyond domestic borders as well. In the overseas market, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa films contribute 43.89% of Kartik’s total collections across his 14 releases. Worldwide, their combined business comprises 46.63% of his cumulative earnings, underscoring the franchise's universal appeal and Kartik's rising stature as an international star.
Out of Kartik's 14 releases to date, only the Bhool Bhulaiyaa films have achieved blockbuster status. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 set the stage with its blockbuster success, and now, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is expected to mirror this feat, solidifying the franchise as Kartik’s golden ticket to box office glory. This track record reinforces the unique impact of the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series, as it stands out for delivering consecutive blockbusters.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has not only cemented Kartik’s place in the franchise but also marks several career milestones - All-Time Highest Opening Day, All-Time Highest Opening Weekend, All-Time Highest Opening Week and Highest Grossing Film in India and Overseas.
The Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise has become a significant, almost serendipitous, boost in Kartik Aaryan’s career. With its blend of comedy, horror, and suspense, the series has not only won over the audience but has also redefined Kartik’s image as a bankable star. Kartik has found a reliable source of blockbuster hits in the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series alone.
For Kartik Aaryan, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise is not just a collection of films; it is the cornerstone of his cinematic legacy and an irreplaceable component of his stardom. The journey ahead for Kartik may involve other roles and experiments with various genres, but the Bhool Bhulaiyaa series remains the crown jewel in his filmography - a true lottery that will keep on paying dividends.
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama