Showing posts with label Pune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pune. Show all posts


अतिमुसळधार पावसाच्या शक्यतेमुळे पुढील २ दिवस शहरातील खासगी कंपन्या तसेच माहिती तंत्रज्ञान कंपन्या यांना सुरक्षिततेसाठी आपल्या कर्मचाऱ्यांना 'वर्क फ्रॉम होम'साठी प्रोत्साहित करावे, असे आवाहन पुणे महापालिकेकडून करण्यात येत आहे.

Due to the possibility of heavy rains, the Pune Municipal Corporation is appealing to the private companies as well as information technology companies in the city to encourage their employees to work from home for the next 2 days.


Pune City Khadakwasla Dam Stutus 13 July 2022


Due to maintenance work, water supply to the areas that get water from Parvati Jalkendra and Lashkar Jalkendra will remain suspended on August 4, 2022. A list of affected areas is mentioned in the press statement issued by PMC. #Pune #Maharashtra

Khadakwasla dam,Pune. 
From being at its lowest capacity in last week to full capacity and releasing water every hour!
#PuneRains #Pune #PuneRain

12 July 1961 - 61 years ago the #Panshet dam burst forever changed #Pune. A huge wall of flood water rushed through the city, destroying many houses and businesses.

६१ वर्षांपूर्वीची कटू #आठवण १२ जुलै १९६१ रोजी पुण्यातील #पानशेत #धरण फुटले होते.त्यामुळे पुण्यात मोठा हाहाकार उडाला... लाखो बेघर झाले,शेकडो मृत्यूमुखी पडले..

1920s :: Aerial View of Pune Railway Station

Bhuleshwar temple near Pune

 The 12th century Bhuleshwar temple near Pune is built by King Krishnadevaraya is one stunning marvel set in stone!

It features Ganesha in feminine form known as Ganeshwari or Lambodari.

Almost every inch of the temple from inside is adorned with carvings from Mahabharata & of Hindu deities. Most of the sculptures are defaced but the temple is relatively well preserved.

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